MCAO – Canada Day Parade 2022
Mississagua Chinese Arts Organization took part in the Annual Paint The Town Red Mississagua Canada Day Parade. Our massive and colourful waist drum troupe stole the spot light! Our Taichi group’s sharp red and White costumes fit right with the theme. Must mention our beautiful cultural costumes and slender Qipao ladies, what a beautiful scenery! Made the photographers ran around tried to capture all the wonderful moments. We received lots of cheers from the crowd, it was a successful event!
密西沙加华人艺术团参加了一年一度的密西沙加庆祝国庆的游行活动“Paint The Town Red”。密西沙加华人艺术团以近百人的庞大队伍,组成了 腰鼓,太极,民族服装,中国旗袍等游行方队, 与新老市长,各界政要共同庆祝加拿大成立155年这一盛大活动!